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Self-Paced Training

Self-Paced Training

  1. Read and become familiar with:
  1. Sign On, Sign Off, Locking the Screen on a BISD computer
    1. Sign On
      1. Simultaneously press the Ctrl, Alt and Del keys on your keyboard
      2. Read the Notice to Users message and then click OK
      3. Enter your username and password in the appropriate boxes
      4. Click on the arrow key or press enter
  2. ​​Sign Off
    1. To help ensure data security as well as efficient network and computer maintenance, employees should sign off their computer at the end of every workday.
    2. It is not recommended that you shut down (i.e. power off) your computer as the display will go to sleep after ten minutes.
    3. Keep your laptop / desktop plugged into the network as much as possible because updates are performed automatically after hours.
    4. If the computer is shut down, these updates will be applied as soon as the computer is powered on and connected to the network. This may cause your computer to perform sluggishly during this process.
  3. Locking Your Computer
    1. If you step away from your office/classroom to a location where you cannot see if someone is accessing your computer, you need to take steps to protect your documents as well as student data while you are away from your device.
    2. It is strongly suggested that you simultaneously press the Windows and L keys on your keyboard to lock your computer.
    3. To access your computer again, simply type your login password in the password field on the monitor and your computer will be unlocked.
  4. Phone and Voice Mail Setup
  5. AESOP (Report an absence & Request a Substitute)

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Contact Information

Beeville ISD
201 N. St. Marys
Beeville, Texas 78102
Phone: 361-358-7111
Fax: 361-358-7837