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Medications In School

Medications in School

Rx medication pictureInhaler pictures

Beeville ISD is committed to ensuring your child’s best day while at school. Although, every effort should be made to avoid administering medications while at school, we recognize that there may be times you, and your child’s doctor will require that medications and treatments be given during school hours. 


Per District Policy: Students are not allowed to carry any type of medication in their backpacks, or on their person while at school without proper physician and school authorization.

All medications need to be brought in by responsible adult and turned in to school staff or school nurse.

Medications WILL NOT be given by school staff without having the appropriately signed forms on file with the school.

Please Contact the school nurse for help or if you have any questions. 

ALL of the following MUST be met BEFORE ANY medications are adminstered by school staff: 

Except for emergency rescue medications such as inhalers, epi-pen, or diazepam; 


*The first dose of ANY medication must be administered by parent or guardian.

  • Requesting school assistance in administering medications at school.
    • A signed Parent Request for School Assistance in Administering Medication form must be turned in to the school nurse or principal (click the link to download and print the form).
      • School personnel cannot administer medications if there is any missing information on the form. Please fill it out entirely. If needed, get a copy of the Doctor’s order or have the doctor sign the form before bringing the medication to school.
  • All medications that need special instructions, or to be administered longer than 10 days, MUST have a doctor’s order with the doctor’s signature and office number (contact your school nurse for questions).
  • Prescription medications must be in the prescribing pharmacy container, with original prescription label including: student’s name, the name of the drug, instructions for taking the medication, the prescription number, and name of prescribing physician (you may ask your pharmacist for an extra “SCHOOL SUPPLY” container).


  • Over the counter medications and topical ointments must be in the original container and not expired. Please label the medication with your child’s full name, age, date of birth, and grade. 
    • ​​ These medications can only be given according to the manufacturer recommendations (the directions on the box or bottle) for a maximum of 10 days, unless specific, signed Doctor’s orders are written. See your school nurse if you have any questions.
  • All medications must be brought in by an adult. 
    • Students are not allowed to carry medications on their person without a doctor’s order and prior approval by the school.
    • Only the amount of medication required for school doses should be brought to the school. Parents/ guardians are responsible to refill as needed. 
    • Medications cannot be stored at school over school breaks. Medications must be picked up by an adult.
  • Self-Administration of emergency rescue medications
    • If you and your child’s doctor agree that it is appropriate for your child to carry and self-adminster their rescue inhaler or epi-pen please take this form and have it signed by the doctor. Then  visit with the school nurse.

      Authorization Forms:

             Parent Request for School To Administer Medication

             Self- Administration Parent/Physician Authorization

    Emergency Action Plans- must be completed and signed by physician and parent

             Seizure Action Plan

             Allergy and Anaphylaxis Plan from

             Asthma Action Plan